B2B sales have changed. It’s no longer as simple as waiting for prospects to come to you.

Instead, you need to be proactive and find the channels & platforms where potential customers are and share relevant content with them that addresses their needs. You also need to ensure that marketing in the region of your interest, has been done to the optimum level.

By doing this, you will start building stronger business relationships with your buyers and, more importantly, you will gain their trust – and that is the key to succeeding in modern B2B sales.

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If you structure your buyer meeting around these six tips, you’re sure to impress and land the deal. Best of luck

1. Research your Buyer

Identify which buyer is responsible for sourcing your product or service. Giant sourcing companies have large buying teams, so make sure you know who makes the decision. Google the buyers’ name and check their trade press articles and releases for clues as to what their current and future procurement priorities are. Prioritize the buyers most likely to favour your product of service most and concentrate on these.

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2. Sell your Story

Instead of the usual vision and mission statements, try a storytelling format to introduce your brand. Instead talk about the circumstances under which you started your Organic/Natural/Eco brand. Indicate how your product can save them the hassle, time, money or enrich the quality of their lives, at the same time give them an ROI plan they can rely on.

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3. Get your foot in the door

Essentially, any business should try every possible tactic to get a face-to-face meeting with relevant buyers. With the Organic Digital Trade Expo, it is an easy task, especially with the real-time buyer-supplier meetings. However, when a buyer is not quite responsive, from social networking sites such as LinkedIn, try each trick in the book and out of the box (HINT: Organic Digital Trade Expo) especially calls and emails. When contacting them, stress how innovative the product is, its commercial viability and how it will delight customers. Include as many facts as possible so the buyer is not left guessing – you need to tell the story well to hook the buyer.


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4. Personalize your Communication.

If you are emailing a pitch, ensure that it’s concise and outlines its USP quickly, as buyers will get hundreds a day and won’t want to sift through a five-page document. Your aim is to persuade the buyer to see you for a face-to-face pitch. If you write an introduction letter to retail buyers along with sending them a sample of your product, you are sure to get their attention. It is a process often called “Lumpy Mail” – the theory is that if you send the right person something that looks odd-shaped in the mail, and if that communication is personally addressed, it will be more likely to be opened and considered.


5. Be Visual

Use photos, videos, images, and graphics to illustrate your brand. Include relevant images from your ‘look-book’ or a recent promotional shoot, in your emails. Include a PDF attachment of your look-book (or brochure) and go ‘visual heavy’ if pitching at a trade show. Videos certainly do an excellent job of storytelling where necessary.

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6. Follow Up

Now that you are on their radar, follow up with a brief email reminding them of why this association could be fruitful. Call them after a few days of your email introduction and ask them if you could take things forward by sending them further information, arranging an informal chat, or scheduling an introductory or presentation meeting.

A sure shot trick that works very well is, send a follow-up gift basket! Manufacturers have used the free sample approach to distributors for years and you can adapt it to your level as well. By sending a free sample you are giving them something tactile that they can feel and use which is better than just looking at pictures and videos. When accompanied by a written introduction letter to potential buyers that is personalized to them, it can be a powerful way to generate leads at scale.


For further information and assistance on buyer communication, connect with our team at support@arabianorganics.com