Integrated Green Resources LLC, also known as IGR, offers certified organic fruits and vegetables harvested in their farms in the UAE, as well as a great range of organic packaged food and products. Their product range includes organic vegetables, fruits, baby food, juices, staples, gluten free, lactose free and more. We asked them questions about the organic market in the region.

In your opinion, how popular is the organic industry in the UAE and the Middle East?

Popularity is on the rise, parallel to government initiatives and awareness programs. We allow the public to visits our organic farm and freely explore. Through this, we enable people and children who are confined to the 4 walls of city life to see naturally growing vegetables and natural bugs, wild plants and a complete natural co-existence in our farms. They are also encouraged to pluck fruits and veggies themselves, so that they get a hands on experience about organic farming and how wonderful it is.

Why, in your opinion, do people prefer buying organic nowadays?

Currently, the organic industry is flourishing as people are getting to understand how many chemicals are being ingested every day and what needs to be done to treat their body well.

How do you determine/discover the products to sell in this market?

We take the opinion of the public, and figure out which vegetables can be locally produced here as opposed to being imported. Few such examples are artichokes, brussel sprouts, patchouli black nightshade and more.

How do you find the growth trend of this industry both here in the region as well as globally?

UAE is a multicultural environment and what is happening globally is clearly reflected in UAE. The trend globally is on the rise as we can see the imported prices on organic fruits and vegetables have risen by 10% from last year. Bottom level awareness programs need to be implemented at the school level. Certain restaurants and food courts must be encouraged to serve organic and this should be strictly monitored by the law.

In conclusion, owing to several government initiatives and a general rise in awareness in the region, local farms are on the rise.

Interviewed by Menaka Ramakrishnan, Buyer Manager