Weightmonitor UAE is an app based scientific weight loss program where clients get access to a dedicated personal nutritionist along with a motivational scoring tool to help lose weight and stay fit. It’s the first of the kind in the UAE. We asked the founder of the app, Dev Khosla, about his take on nutrition and why he recommends organic and natural food to his clients.

Tell us a little bit about your app and why it was created.

Obesity continues to be a serious concern among Dubai and UAE residents at large with current statistics painting a grim picture of the situation. A recent survey by Zurich International Life showed that slightly over 47 percent of UAE residents were overweight with most of them clocking a BMI of between 25 and 30.

The program starts with a process of enrollment wherein a client enters their profile, medical history, lifestyle survey, and average existing diet. Thereafter, a holistic diet plan is prepared and uploaded on the client’s app dashboard.

The client tracks his food and activities daily and receives an algorithmic performance score and daily food diary reviews by their nutritionist. The user also can have in-app chats and Skype meeting with their nutritionist.

What type of natural/organic products do you suggest to your clients?

We focus on minimally processed, less or no sugar, zero trans fats, no artificial colors, additives & preservatives, free and as far possible organic or near organic foods. This includes whole grains, pulses, fruits, vegetables, raw vegetables, nuts, seeds, and functional foods

How useful is this for weight loss?

Since most weight issues stem from digestive problems this is the cornerstone of treatment.

Why, in your opinion, do people prefer eating organic nowadays?

Because the harmful effects of pesticides and pesticide residues are persistent poisons and pesticides residue can become a more potent poison than the pesticide themselves. Children and young adults are more vulnerable to the ill effects pesticides laden food because with smaller bodies and the same exposure, can affect them in a more potent way.

As we can see, this is a great way to combine technology and eating healthy. Personal trainers in the region are increasingly suggesting organic and natural food.

Interviewed by Menaka Ramakrishnan, Buyer Manager